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Rodoggx 06-23-2003 07:33 PM

Stupid Turtle!!!!
My car needs a new paint job eventually. However, in the meantime, i just want it to look presentable. Over the weekend i decided to wax my car with turtle wax to get rid of nasty water spots that wont go away and restore the color..... well it didnt work. I only did the hood as a test and I'm glad. The next day the hood started to get hazy white! ( I made sure to wipe off all wax - so its not like i left the wax on). now, not only do i have some fade and water spots.... but i also have a hazy hood. This is pissin me off! Anyone have any suggestions on how to correct the situation or know of any "miracle" products to make my car look ok. I can put up some pics - but that will be later in the week. Stupid Turtle wax!

GhettoPop 06-23-2003 09:16 PM

use Mothers Cleaner Wax (Paste), it will clean it and apply wax. Or you can buy rubbing compound, use that, then use Mothers Pure Carbuna Wax (liquid). Good products

GhettoPop 06-23-2003 09:18 PM

and here are some tips:

work on a cool car in the shade
do a small section at a time
use a small amount of wax
use several rags and always use a clean side

Rodoggx 06-23-2003 10:03 PM

thanks. I'll definitely use your advice and those products. the paint has been quite a sore spot for me. thanx... hopefully later in the week ill have before and after pics.

rbohm 06-23-2003 10:14 PM

also get the clay magic kit, and use that after you wash the car, but before you wax it.

Rodoggx 06-23-2003 10:28 PM

whats the clay magic kit for?

rbohm 06-23-2003 10:39 PM

it gets the dirt that washing the car leaves, and doesnt scratch the paint, unless you screw up.

Mountain Main 06-23-2003 11:23 PM

Dri Wash N Gaurd
The best stuff out there. It is not wax. I will remove that old wax real easy. It will never build up like wax. Washing becomes easy. Great for waxing in door jams. Protects and yet still lets your paint breath. Is way faster than waxing.

crazypete 06-24-2003 08:48 AM

Forget wax! Wax makes all the black vinyl look terrible even if you get a tiny amount in the wrong place.

Get some of that black magic tire silicone in the pump bottle. Spray conservatively. This gets rid of the wax spots instantly. Oh my Lord! You car wont just shine, it will gleam! I have never seen an old paintjob transform the way it does under silicone. The solvents in the silicone are so weak that I have never seen it hurt any paintjob, even crappy "flat" spraypainted panels (even made the flat paint gleam). Make sure to overspray and get it on the glass and in all the little nooks and crannies (I'm serious) . It makes a fantastic rustproofing for the hard to reach spots and makes glass so slippery, water just beads and rolls off (takes a fair amount of rubbing, though, to get rid of the cloudy effect on the glass but it is worth it). The fresh looking jet black vinyl on the car will scream out at you as if the car had just rolled off the assembly line. Honestly, best stuff in my whole arsenal.

When you're done, you can take the silicone soaked paper towels and move to the inside and make the dashboard scream at you too (armor all is just silicone). The car will have that "dealership" silicone smell.

Mach 1 06-24-2003 10:43 PM

you douse your entire car in tire silione? Interesting........

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