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Rev 09-22-2002 03:43 PM

I wanna drag race..... they wanna road race
Last few days I've come across 2 BMW's, a M-3 and M-5. They fool around on crowded freeways, but won't line up even from a 60 mph roll, much less from a stop. These cars have 330-390 hp, so why are they reluctant to race a 36 yr. old Stang? My car is a brick with a C-4. They shouldn't be afraid to race me.

The last thing I want is a race starting at 80-90 mph on the freeway. We'd be up to 130 before you know it. Too dangerous in my book.


95mustanggt 09-22-2002 06:29 PM

I know. I think many people who are in to the "street racing" scene think that a race means to swerve in and out of traffic as fast as one can. The days of just lining up at a light and first one to the next light are over :(

The Deuce 09-22-2002 07:06 PM

Even worse than that was a couple of ricers I saw running with no lights at 11.30 last night, tailgating on a local fwy.

I thought one of them might have been fast, until I saw they both had the stock dx exhaust.

People around here think racing means weaving too. Not only that, but their ability to pick lanes is non-existant.

Rev 09-22-2002 07:16 PM

Fair try
I'm not saying I can beat a M-3 or M-5. I just want a fair shot at one. Supposedly, they can run a mid 12 to low 13. Either would beat me if the driver was OK. I want to see it.


*Steeda90GT* 09-23-2002 10:23 AM


Originally posted by The Deuce
Even worse than that was a couple of ricers I saw running with no lights at 11.30 last night, tailgating on a local fwy.

I thought one of them might have been fast, until I saw they both had the stock dx exhaust.

People around here think racing means weaving too. Not only that, but their ability to pick lanes is non-existant.

Thats just plain ghetto racing.

Nitrous Al 09-25-2002 01:51 PM

BMW owners are wimps! They know Mustangs are nothing to mess with and this is the reason why they don't race you!

inferno 09-25-2002 04:12 PM


Originally posted by Nitrous Al
BMW owners are wimps! They know Mustangs are nothing to mess with and this is the reason why they don't race you!
Al, you always seem to make "interesting" comments. While most BMW cars aren't really anything special, the M cars are far from being push overs. Also, it isn't that the owner's of M cars are wimps as you say, but more like they are snobs. The majority of them look down on "lesser" vehicles and won't waste their time with anything that they feel isn't on the same level. Also, there is the pride thing...would you want to race your 60k(M3) or 84k(M5) car against a much cheaper car and lose? But then again, even if you lost, you would still be in a bimmer and the other guy isn't.

Jthompson 09-27-2002 06:57 PM

inferno is right on the money.

They have spent 80k on their machine, and they look down and laugh at a mustang. Literally, like it or not.

My boss has a new m-5. 400 horse stock, 80k$ car. When you can afford that, and someone comes up next to you in a 60's mustang, hell even a new one, you tend to lift your nose and kind of shrug them off. ( not saying your car isn't worth the race just trying to show you what is in their heads)

Rev 09-27-2002 07:28 PM

That's correct
I believe that's correct. The only BMW I've ever got to race me was an M Roadster (240 hp I think). We ran even back when I ran 13.97 in the 1/4. Was a fun race. Now I want to race a new 330 hp BMW, win or lose. 390 hp M-5 would spank me I know with a decent driver.


*Steeda90GT* 09-30-2002 09:51 AM


Originally posted by inferno
Al, you always seem to make "interesting" comments. While most BMW cars aren't really anything special, the M cars are far from being push overs. Also, it isn't that the owner's of M cars are wimps as you say, but more like they are snobs. The majority of them look down on "lesser" vehicles and won't waste their time with anything that they feel isn't on the same level. Also, there is the pride thing...would you want to race your 60k(M3) or 84k(M5) car against a much cheaper car and lose? But then again, even if you lost, you would still be in a bimmer and the other guy isn't.
Yes I totally understand, even that last comment. When I'm driving and I see a lesser Civic, Integra, Neon, or Eclipse, I think the same thing.....there cars are lesser then mine and I tend not to race them as I would if I pulled up to an Fbod or Another Stang. Even if that ghetto-ed out civic is faster then me, at the end of the day I drive home in my cool and comfortable Mustang GT.

Rev 10-04-2002 05:43 PM

Another damned M-5
While trying to catch up with a 300ZX on the freeway today that I thought might go from a roll (60 or so), a damned M-5 BMW came by going well over 100 mph, maybe 110-120. Weaving in and out lanes from far left to far right leaving only inches to spare from other cars. These are the last idiots that I want to have anything to do with on the street. Sorry, this is just a rant.


ImportKiller 10-08-2002 11:41 PM

God please stop with the i am rich and i won't race the "lesser car" line

Look you spend 80k dollars on a car, 400+hp and think that your not gonna get challanged on the street you have to be an idiot or your in the wrong car...

Why would anyone buy a car with that much hp stock? because they want to go fast, so if the oppertunity comes up to race it from time to time why not race it.

I mean hell if you have 80k for a car im sure you can afford insurance right?

So i don't buy that crock of bull, i mean whats on the same level as the m5, a ferrari? a lambo? i mean please those cars would dust the m5

so that leaves Vettes and stangs and rice if you want to turn your nose up buy a Caddy or a Mercedes

Don't buy an m5 and think your not gonna get challanged now and again.

Not buying it in S.D.

SN_9550 10-09-2002 05:52 AM

personally i think they are just scared. the street racing scene is no secret to the general public, so why would you take a chance at having your doors blown off by a "lesser" car like the stang and you drive an $80k car??? because they, like everything else they have, must look good to everyone else. they're scared that they will get wasted in traffic by a car that costs $20k to build to be faster than damn near anything, and then have to sit in traffic next to the victorious and the watching. how embarrasing.......for them. i have had a few good pulls against this particular brand of racer but, it takes quite a bit of provoking to get him started. then they lose.......soarly and thats when the weaving starts. because you beat them in the straight they now have to prove that their car is worthy of the $80k they are paying for it. so the next time you see those guys go by at over's probbably because they just got done being wiped up by somebody else in a mustang. can't add insult to injury.

*Steeda90GT* 10-09-2002 07:16 AM

I couldn't agree more. Very well put.

this is not cbring 10-09-2002 07:24 AM

i've had the pleasure to make acquintance with a few guys in the finance industry that drive m5's.......

some of these guys like performance, that is why they chose it over a benzie..........others picked it cause they thought it looked better and was more prestigious that its competitors.........

but none of them give 2 craps about street racing........if they did, they'd build the ultimate mustang sleeper, hell you know they got the money to........or they'd get a viper, z06, etc

from hearing the 3 guys i know and visiting a bimmer board in the past, many of these m5 owners seem to complain about camaro's and vettes and stangs revving on them while they are simply trying to pick up their wife from the airport, or take their kid to baseball practice, or on their way to a meeting with an investor

if i were in a position to pay that much for a daily driver, the m5 would be my top choice

SN_9550 10-09-2002 10:16 AM

point taken........

ImportKiller 10-09-2002 10:41 AM

Well to all the M5 owners out there...

you have been offically taken off the food chain in my book...

If you want to pick up your kid in a 400+hp ride then go right ahead i will chalk that group up to a bunch of rich guys that are to busy trying to make more money than race....

that's cool, oh and by the way...i know several well to do Stang owners that have 400+hp daily drivers but do it because they love to race....

Kinda odd but if they wanted a nice looking ride to pick up there kid that performs; the 325i and the like are just as nice, M5's are built for performance and speed, I wonder why a person would think they wouldn't be challanged.


this is not cbring 10-09-2002 11:48 AM

Import Killa,

you ever ridden or looked inside a new M5?...........i'd venture to say that they are built with comfort and luxury just as high as performance, if not higher, on bmw's priority list........

IMO, comfort and luxury are by no means at all sacrificed on these rides........the M5 really seems to be just looked at a top of the line 5 series by many.......performance is just a bonus

one 10-09-2002 01:10 PM

"Even worse than that was a couple of ricers I saw running with no lights at 11.30 last night, tailgating on a local fwy."

Jerks like this are why the police are so hard on people that street race. It used to be that the police would check up on the street racers to make sure everyone was safe and no one under age was drinking. Heck I have even had Boarder Patrol watch some races and tell us when the police were coming. But it is because of people like those guys you saw racing like that on the freeway it is now a felony to get caught street racing and they are trying to make it a crime to watch as well.

By the way Importkiller, if a guy or girl for that matter wanted to race you in a BMW you would know it. Just because someone has some horse power doesn't mean they bought it to race you. There is a new Volkzwagon wagon coming out with 310 horse power should they be racing, how about the Escalades with 345 hp, who cares if it is an SUV they should line up and run with that much horse power by your logic right.

Jthompson 10-09-2002 03:11 PM

The fact is is that if you can afford an 80k car, you are not likely the type to open your garage and tune up your own car, or for that matter install a new NOS or blower yourself. You take the car in, and let others do it for are "above" that.

Do they have luxury-of course, but for the most part they are a sport sedan that performs like a bat out of hell.

Do not forget that these cars are "status symbols" And therefore many do not give a ***** about racing. I work with someone who wants to buy a new 350z. She is the slowest driver I know, wants the car because it is "cute"

And believe me, there are plenty of other yuppies out there with vipers, m class bmw's jaguars and the sort if they want to play around. Yes, they will and do snub their noses at lowely mustangs.

Sorry. No I do not own one, my car is a lowly 86 mustang gt, but I have the experience with working with these type of people and Know how they are.

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