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Old 12-17-2001, 03:21 PM   #10
Mr 5 0
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I think pony_power_90 nailed it.

A lot of the attraction girls have to 'bad boys' comes from the desire to show the parents that 'Nobody tells them what to do'. Immature but normal behavior - guys do it too.

I think the element of 'danger' is also attractive and as was also stated, the 'Hard to get/Don't give a damn about you' attitude the bad boys project seems to have a irrestible attraction for a lot of girls. Sad, but true. Probably something about the instinct to 'tame' men that women seem to have as some prehistoric remnent.

I think another factor is the ghetto-culture attitudes that have been on the rise for some time now. The female attraction to bums has always been there, it's just more evident and upscale, middle-class now, when in earlier times, only trailer trash-type girls really desired dopers, drunks and bums. Now, they seem to all like that type and a lot of guys fit the mold.

I'm no expert but when I was dating, I always had the best results when I played it very casual and wasn't always available. No one wants to look desperate and showing interest in a girl but having the patience to let her 'come to you' seems to work well - assuming (of course) the girl has any attraction to you in the first place.

I found out early that girls love - I mean really love - attention.
We're all somewhat insecure and paying attention to a girl - noticing her new hairstyle, clothes, whatever, is attractive to them and reassuring, too. Trick is to give the attention sparingly.
Be sincere but don't overdo it and be attentive, but not always available. Make the phone conversation 15 minutes, not three hours.

Again, I'm no expert on dating - or women - but these are personal observations from my own dating experience, which was fairly successful.

Maybe MustangBelle306 or some of our other savvy female members can give us more input and advice for the single guys.
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