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Old 12-23-2001, 03:54 AM   #1
The Redneck James Bond
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Thumbs up Bestill my beating heart. Me and Firebird Girl got off to a good start!

Hello everyone. I had one kick A$$ night. Just want to apologize to Mike Navigator, Budman94GT, and Tim C for leaving alot earlier tonight. But it was for a good reason.

The Firebird girl came tonight. We talked and talked some more. It was freezing out, so I gave her my leather coat, and wore my Jean Mustang Jacket. After about an hour of talking, I figured things were going well, so I gave her the RED rose. She loved it and gave me a huge hug.

Me and her were off in our own little world while talking. I didnt even really notice the white 99 Cobra pull up, and the whole gang leaving. I heard a whole bunch of commotion, and before I could dig my keys out of my coat and get me and the FireBird girl in my car, they were all gone to the races.

Me and her talked some more, we seemed to get along so well together. She invited me, another Firebird girl, and the Groper over to her place to get warm and just talk. So we did. Her place was beautifull. Decorated with a oriental decor. I was very impressed, I loved it. We all talked, and the Firebird Girl broke out a bottle of whine. Me and her where the only ones to have a glass.

After two hours, The Groper left, then another hour later, the other firebird girl left. I asked Ws-6 women if she wanted me to leave, if I was overstaying my welcome, she answered by pouring me another glass of whine. I had to use her bathroom to go pee. When I came back out, the fireplace was lit, along with a whole bunch of candles, and all the lights were out. We sat on the couch, facing the fireplace drinking wine, and talking.

She is a VERY EDUCATED WOMEN. Very smart, and personable. We sipped whine and sat next to one another. I put my arm around her, and she didnt mind at all, she rested her head on my shoulder. We talked and talked some more. We have ALOT in common. We both love classical music, and the same composers, we both love art, and the same great artists. We both listen also to 50's and 60's rock and roll. Both love reading and watching educational programs. She's also into Astronomy and space.

Both love cars, and racing. Her cat jumped up and we played with it for a while, and kept looking each other in the eyes. I wanted so bad to kiss her, but felt it was to early. I could see it in her eyes, the same thought. We drank more whine and goofed around some more.

We were both a little tipsy. She walked me back to her bed room to show me her Classical and oldies CD collection. We were both kinda stagering and stumbling. She pointed to her cat and told me to watch out, even though the cat was like 10 feet away.

We laughed, and laughed and talked, and kinda somewhat snuggled up. It was very relaxing. At 3:00 I told her I didnt want to keep her up anymore, and told her I really enjoyed the night. She said if I wasnt up to driving home (We drank a whole bottle of whine.) that I could crash on her couch for the night.

I stood outside, and sobbered up (It had pretty much wore off by then) and drove home. I had such a good night. She gave me her card, and told me she would really like to see more of me, and that we could go to the symphany sometime, or do anything together.

She said she was so glad to find someone with the same intrests as her, and have the same priorities, views and feelings as her. I was just as happy to find someone like me.

I'm still alittle tipsy, but man it was a great night. I think I have found the women of my life. She is so nice, pleasant, smart, pretty, and educated. I think I'm in love.

Oh, I wore the same thing tonight, that I'm wearing in my Avatar. Nothing fancy or dressy. I even told her about that.
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