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Old 12-24-2001, 04:32 PM   #30
All about the Windsor.
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I'm sure it would mainly just be a gathering, but I'm also sure that some people would have to go somewhere and run 'em! There's no possible way all us Stangers could go without racing eachother if we met up!

I'd really love to have a nationwide meet. But if enough people just say they want a regional thing, then that can be done, too. But I think it would be the coolest thing ever to get as many people from as many different places there at once!

Stang Runner has a great idea about renting a track. If there were enough of us, we could all pitch in, maybe even find some sponsors to help us, and we could rent the track for a day or whatever. Now how awesome would THAT be?!?!?

Keep it coming!
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