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Old 01-29-2002, 12:08 AM   #1
Unit 5302
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Question One Way Thinking On The Mustangworks?

I remember when the MustangWorks was touted as a place all Mustanger's could get together and enjoy the hobby of driving Ford's ponycar.

You didn't need to have a 10sec car to be respected and it was a place where people were welcomed because they cared about their cars. Now it seems that if people are out there making their cars look nice, or adding appearance mods they are totally reamed and made fun of because they don't have a 10 or 12 second car to back it up.

I remember putting GT rims on my 88 LX hatch 2.3L. It was the single most impressive mod you could make to that car. It looked awesome compared to how it appeared before. I like my cars to look nice, and putting nice looking wheels, or a nice paint job, or a wing, or some minor body pieces can help a Stang look good.

There seem to be two main philosophy's on what you should do to your car. One is a who cares what it looks like 10sec primermobile, and the other is an all show no go concept. I think both have merit, but if you only have money to do one and not the other, I'd probably pick to make my car look nice. Don't get me wrong, I like appearance mods, but not the super flashy gaudy stuff. I also respect the very fast car approach. I wish everybody could just understand people do what they do to their cars out of love for them.

Am I wrong in seeing this trend?
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