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Old 09-25-2002, 08:37 PM   #69
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I would like to say several things:
RaceRat, I want to express how badly the whole BMW community over at DTM feels for you and for what happened to you. Although we prefer different types of cars, we are all car enthusiasts and truly share your pain and empathize with you. I really hope that you are properly compensated for both the abuse that the careless mechanic inflicted on your car and also for the mental anguish that I am sure you have experienced as a result of this.

Most importantly however, is not that a trusted technician abused a customers car but the fact that fellow enthusiasts have rushed to support the tech and his deplorable actions. Its disturbing to think that there are those who feel that it is their "right" to abuse something that is not theirs, but even more so to realize that there are many people who feel that this his actions were perfectly acceptable or normal. To those who rushed to support and justify the actions of Stangman96: you disgust me, you are everything thats wrong with our society. You feel that you are owed something when you are really owed nothing. that was someone else's car, not yours, and you had absolutely no right to abuse it. you are representative of many people of my generation, and it sickens me.

i am appalled by the actions of a few, but most of all happy to see the many good and honest people and car enthusiasts' (of all different makes) willingness to offer advice and support for racerat in her experience. once again, i hope everything turns out well for you racerat, if you need any help you should post, im sure that there are many (including myself) who would be willing to provide any help we can.

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