Thread: Democrat Points
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Old 08-10-2004, 01:32 PM   #8
Mr 5 0
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Originally posted by Dark_5.0 :

Kerry really cant talk crap about Americans loosing jobs when 15 companies that his wife is directly involved with out source all of there jobs.
Not exactly. Mrs. Heinz-Kerry only holds a 4% stake in the Heinz corporation. That represents a lot of money but it's not a controlling interest by any means. In addition, Heinz sells it's products around the globe and for sheer practical purposes (freshness) they use the people and resources to manufacture the food products in the countries they are selling to. They aren't going to ship tomatoes from the U.S. to, say, Japan, to make ketchup. That isn't 'outsourcing' as it's usually meant; when a U.S. company fires it's American workers to employ workers overseas to do the same job, as with customer service and tech support, for example.

As long-time readers of this forum will know, I'm a conservative Republican and wouldn't vote for Kerry in any situation. I also think his wife is - to put it politely - a distinct liability to his campaign. However, we have to stick to the facts and wild claims about outsourcing by the Heinz corporation that are untrue or a distortion of the truth serves no purpose. Kerry has enough negatives, including his 20-year Senate career where he voted the liberal line almost 100% of the time against the military along with many other foolish votes (including support for a 'nuclear freeze' in the '80's) as well as his ridiculous proposals for a national health care system (650 billion, minimum) and higher taxes. We don't need to indulge in spurious half-truths to assail his candidacy. Senator Kerry is a figurative Piņata of political missteps and voter-adversion proposals and actions. Have fun taking swipes at him but we do better when the swipes are based on facts, not distortions.
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