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Old 02-27-2002, 07:52 PM   #8
Unit 5302
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I could say a lot on this topic, instead I'll say some.

We are arrogant. Ruthless, hardly. At least not enough for my taste. I think we should just eradicate the Taliban, not simply try them.

We are biased against their belief system. Why shouldn't we be? They are the ones justifying our eradication. I would say that's a pretty fricken good reason to be biased against them.

We are extremely materialistic. In many cases how you are judged in the society has to do with your material wealth. That's how a capitalist society works, and why it works I might add.

Russia doesn't want the US stepping in and setting up their oil fields and other aspects of their country. They are somewhat paranoid about outsiders. They are quite justified in that attribute if you look back into history and see how many times they've been invaded. They would much rather Japan help them out, but Japan has refused until Russia returns an island to Japan that is rightfully Russia's. The Japanese have to be about the dumbest people on Earth sometimes. Russia of course will not let the island go. They are a proud people, much like their American neighbors. Would we give up one of our states?

The primary religion in the United States has attempted to wipe the Earth of the "heathen" Muslims before, and is extremely corrupt and hypocritical. Christianity has been used to justify murdering people for millennia. Before we start comparing what they've accomplished in the last two hundred years vs what we have, you might want to consider our natural resources, and the fact we came here with technology from Europe.

It's true they'll never annihilate themselves. They breed like rabbits and treat women like baby production machines. A constantly regenerating population of ignorant young people, too young to gain the wisdom necessary to revolt, and the elders have lived such a hard life in most cases, justifying another war is probably pretty difficult. Of course, the extremely wealthy determine whether the poor live or die, and the rich like their society just fine.

Africa will not forever be doomed to 3rd world status in my opinion. The raw material necessary to produce today's computer chips is found there, along with diamonds, gold, and other natural resources. There will be somebody able to help that continent rise up to a higher level.
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