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Old 07-18-2001, 01:45 AM   #21
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i also am a third shifter type person...although i work second shift...2-10...i usually go to bed around 4 and get up at 12 or so...unless i work extra hard at work then i go to bed earlyer

as soon as i get to work if we are runing and im stacking..i have to stack 50 pound bags up on a pallet..usually 10 layers high...back/arm breaken s**t...thats factory work for yea...or if im dumping the powder into the mixer i have to lift 115 pound bags cut them open and dump them....not quite as hard as stacking but you get covered in

'91 GT,91K,T-5,air silencer removed,HD clutch,K&N air filter,Mac long tubes,Cat-back,off road H,FMS 9mm wires,180 thermostat,Competition gauges,C&L 76mm MAF,Accufab 70mm TB,TFS street heat intake

Waiting install:Nothing

Future Mods:3.73's,Pro 5.0,TFS heads,TFS stage 1 cam,lakewood struts/shocks,nitto DR's
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Old 07-18-2001, 02:03 AM   #22
Topless In Texas
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speaking of....
Its now about 2a.m. central/standard time. I had EVERY intention of being in bed by midnight...what's wrong w/ this picture???

1994 GT.Convertible/Performance Red. Cold Air Ind.,K&N,H.P. Pulleys,OffRoad H-Pipe,Flows,3.55,Light bar,Custom HeadRests.Lotta Chrome
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Old 07-18-2001, 02:26 AM   #23
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Well, I am actually diagnosed with bi-polar 1 with hypomania. This equates to me running a normal schedule for some length of time and then reverting to a manic state where I average about 2-3 hours of sleep but feel completely refreshed and ready to rock. This is also the period where i accomplish tons of stuff because I have no distraction factor whatsoever. My wife hates it though....hehe.

Seriously though, its not that big of a deal. I'm not a weird freak that will scare you or nothing. Hardly anyone knows this because I seem normal until you get to know me.

[This message has been edited by Power (edited 07-18-2001).]
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Old 07-18-2001, 02:32 AM   #24
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Yup usually about 6-7 a night, because I'm always on this damn thing... aaaagggghhhh!!!
I want 8-9 but nooooo....!

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99 Ninja ZX-6R:10.32@135mph!
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Old 07-18-2001, 05:24 AM   #25
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So get this -- I went to bed at 1AM and woke up at 6AM!?!? -- and I feel refreshed!! This has been another great mystery for me.

Why is it that one day I wake up (early via alarm) and feel great / jump right out of bed. The next day, the alarm will go off and it'll take me 30 minutues to get out of bed.

I notice too that when I wake up in the middle of a dream I feel really, really tired.

Power, I wish I only needed 2-3 hours per night. Sheesh....

Jeff Kane
1990 LX Mustang Coupe
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Old 07-18-2001, 07:24 AM   #26
Topless In Texas
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Okay, tonights the night!!! I'm gonna have my butt in bed by 11pm.(yeah, right!) If you see me online, make me go to bed!!! ~~YAAAWWWNNN~~

===Topless wanders aimlessly through house looking for Coffee====

1994 GT.Convertible/Performance Red. Cold Air Ind.,K&N,H.P. Pulleys,OffRoad H-Pipe,Flows,3.55,Light bar,Custom HeadRests.Lotta Chrome
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Old 07-18-2001, 12:42 PM   #27
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i was kinda wrongish about what i said before........heres how sleep works

you begin sleep by going into stage one (duh) which lasts only a few minutes, and this is where you are jus begining to fall asleep and at this time you can experiences hallucinations, and be awakened easily (like when you suddenly tense up and jerk awake). stage 2 is deeper, but you can still be easily awakened (ie, if someone says your name); sleep talking occurs now. stage three is transitional to stage 4, both of which are long stages of sleep. stage 4 is where bedwetting and sleepwalking occur (mostly from ages 3-12), night terrors are also during stage 4; much more intense than nighmares, night terrors occur in the same age range as the previous. the final sleep stage is REM sleep. the first period is short (10 minutes) but they get longer as you go back and forth between REM and the other stages (after a few times you get to about 45 min or REM). dreaming is during REM sleep, and you are paralyzed during it (this often is sensed during dreams, being unable to move, but not always). REM is when you get recharged, and without it you don't feel rested. arousal occurs for both sexes during REM sleep and is often manifested as "morning wood" for guys.

there is a strong corrolation between the consolidation of memories made during the day (so that they are moved to long term memory, and you really remember them) happening more for people who get more (REM) sleep. ie, you will remember more of what you learn if you get an appropriate amount of sleep that night. i don't remember why (it may not be known) but i do know that naps are superpowerful for recovering sleep debt (explained in my previous post) as you experience more REM sleep.

i had to look up some of this stuff on my psych teachers site ( if you like psycholgy, check it out!
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Old 07-19-2001, 01:54 AM   #28
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Originally posted by dinomite:
i was kinda wrongish about what i said before........heres how sleep works

you begin sleep by going into stage one (duh) which lasts only a few minutes, and this is where you are jus begining to fall asleep and at this time you can experiences hallucinations, and be awakened easily (like when you suddenly tense up and jerk awake). stage 2 is deeper, but you can still be easily awakened (ie, if someone says your name); sleep talking occurs now. stage three is transitional to stage 4, both of which are long stages of sleep. stage 4 is where bedwetting and sleepwalking occur (mostly from ages 3-12), night terrors are also during stage 4; much more intense than nighmares, night terrors occur in the same age range as the previous. the final sleep stage is REM sleep. the first period is short (10 minutes) but they get longer as you go back and forth between REM and the other stages (after a few times you get to about 45 min or REM). dreaming is during REM sleep, and you are paralyzed during it (this often is sensed during dreams, being unable to move, but not always). REM is when you get recharged, and without it you don't feel rested. arousal occurs for both sexes during REM sleep and is often manifested as "morning wood" for guys.

there is a strong corrolation between the consolidation of memories made during the day (so that they are moved to long term memory, and you really remember them) happening more for people who get more (REM) sleep. ie, you will remember more of what you learn if you get an appropriate amount of sleep that night. i don't remember why (it may not be known) but i do know that naps are superpowerful for recovering sleep debt (explained in my previous post) as you experience more REM sleep.

i had to look up some of this stuff on my psych teachers site ( if you like psycholgy, check it out!
Whoa... heavy... I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight now....
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Old 07-19-2001, 02:08 AM   #29
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Let me see if I get this.... If I wake up and have "Morning Wood" that means I got a good night sleep then.
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Old 07-19-2001, 02:57 AM   #30
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I average about 7 hours a night. If I get a full 7 hrs or more of unconscious sleep, I feel ready to go. Anything less hurts. When you can't sleep the best thing is classical piano. Put on your headphones and listen quietly. When you start to pop in and out of dreaming, take the headphones off and set them on the floor by your bed. You'll be sound asleep in the next five minutes. Works for me. They say music calms the wildest beast.
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Old 07-19-2001, 09:53 AM   #31
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sleep? what's sleep?

1990 Dodge Dynasty with 275,000 miles. Mods:chiped paint, CD player. Sucks but it was free. Praying for a stang.
The "Guetto Glider"

If it ain't broke, you ain't tryin hard enough
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Old 07-19-2001, 01:27 PM   #32
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Good point Mercury -- I agree completely, lol.

Jeff Kane
1990 LX Mustang Coupe
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Old 07-20-2001, 01:11 AM   #33
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During the school year I can focus and get myself 8 hours a night but I have to go to bed early like at 10:00. I NEED 8 hours minimum to run great all day, all the time. Anything 6.5-7.5 hours and I feel like sh!t no matter how rested I was during the rest of the week. 4.5-6 hours I feel awesome, but I can only do that for a day or two before I become very physically drained and mentally as well.
During school I usually wind up in bed at 12:00 or 1:00, and get up at 7:00, which puts me in my dangerous threshold. I burnt out back in November this year and didn't recover until the first 2 weeks of May once school was done.
Physically I'm fine but I swear my IQ drops 20-30 points when I'm in sleep debt. I totally agree about the debt idea, my body does it too and it's VERY noticeable.

'91 LX Hatch, 17 ROH ZR6's, lowered, 3.73's, offroad H pipe, SN Cobra cat-back, ASP pullies, 14° timing, C&L 76mm MAF, 170A 3G, B&M Ripper on a T5
1991 LX Hatch 5.0L
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Old 07-20-2001, 08:57 AM   #34
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2 to 4 is all I need, but I can usually get in about 4 to 6. Like Dan, I sometimes get thrown into the 3rd-shift timeframe. Sucks to break out of it, especially when you have to work at 6:30am, and it's already 3am!

If it was anything like my day yesterday, I'll take about 12! Here's what happened. My driveshaft went south the previous night, so I was enslaved to drive my mom's '95 Monte Carlo. Nooooooooo! I had to be up at 3am to meet somebody an hour away to carpool with, not including additional time for road construction. That...person...had already left for the inventory in Sandusky (coming from Toledo) we were supposed to ride to together. Doh! Then I had to travel a half-hour back to get my scan-gun thingy from my store, plus another twenty minutes to get back to the turnpike. Okay, inventory was done at about 11:00am. I headed home, changed clothes & grabbed some lunch, then left for Detroit (well, actually Taylor but close enough) to pick up an aluminum driveshaft from Ramchargers. On the way back, my heart convinced my head to visit my ex-girlfriend in Woodhaven. I left there about 5:15pm or so, and somehow STUPIDLY decided to get back through the busy part of Monroe. At this one intersection where a whole lineup of us turned left, I was following a semi through a construction zone. We came to a complete stop, and all of a sudden the semi started backing up!!! I had an entire line of a dozen cars behind me!!! I desperately honked the horn, tried to back up, (stupid b!tch behind me was staring off into space with her head up her butt or something), anything I could to avoid a collision, but the semi just kept coming. It smacked the hood right above the bowtie emblem and crunched it in about an inch or so. I thought about that later; too bad it didn't just hit the bowtie. I hate to say it but thank God I was NOT in my Mustang. I would've literally beat this guy to death if it had happened to my Belle. Anyhoo, I drove home, told my dad what happened (mom was at a funeral), and went to sleep on the couch at around 8:00pm. Woke up about 45 minutes ago (it's 9:45 now).

Sorry this was so long, but I just had to vent about yesterday. Now I get to go to work! Yay! Not.

Capri306, Moderator, The Mustang Works Online
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Old 07-21-2001, 02:51 AM   #35
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I guess as you get older you neeed less sleep. I remember when 10-12 hours wasn't enough and now 4 does it for me. I work 12 hour shifts and on days I get around 4 hours and about 6 while sleeping days. My day starts at 4:30 and I get home about 6:30 on days (30 minute drive).
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